Shareable Latest Strava activities map


My main side project lately has been this React / Redux / Typescript / Express / Redis / Tachyons Strava Project, so I might come up with later posts on this same topic.

Today I am feeling like writing about my latest released feature: "Shareable maps with dynamic og image metatag", and maybe a few images can explain better what that means in practice, or even better, you can visit it yourself, by clicking here.

signed /activities route

Map view of your own latest activities with some collapsable stats on the left

So this is the main feature of the app so far, viewing your latest activities in the same map, just gives me a nice feeling if I've been exploring different areas lately 💪🏻

And even though this is behind a login wall, I would like to make it shareable, select a few activities that you deem worthy it, plot a map with it and generate a shareable link to that map.

Saving shareable info

So I added a simple share button on the map in which you are able to select which activities to include on the shareable map (at least that's the idea, but not yet implemented). And the backend generates a uuid for that map and save the user information and map information.

Entrypoint below --> Save Map Reference'/save', async (req: MapsRequest, res, next) => {
  if (req.cookies?.access_token && req.cookies?.username) {
    if (await refreshToken(req, res)) {
      const store = new Map()
      store.set('username', req.cookies.username)
      store.set('redis', req.redis)
      const { lat, lng, zoom } = req.body, async () => {
        const mapId = saveMap({ lat, lng, zoom })
        res.send({ mapId })

Side note: this was my first time using this AsyncLocalStorage concept, and it was a total overkill, but it just feels nice handling the logic on external files/functions without passing req along all the way and/or appending clutter to the req object.

Sharing saved info

By accessing the same url with a new querystring, the authentication flow is ignored and activities information is fetched directly from the saved data instead, therefore, making it accessible to whoever has the link.

NOT SIGNED /activities?mapId={uuid} route

qs mapId fetches saved information directly 💪🏻


export default async (_parent, args, context) => {
  let access_token
  if (args.mapId) {
    const { username } = await context.req.redis.get(KEYS.SAVED_MAP(args.mapId))
    access_token = await sudoRefreshToken(context.req, username)
  } else {
    access_token = context.req.cookies.access_token
  return (await strava.getActivities(access_token)).map(parseStravaActivity)

And another side note: If you've noticed that I'm using redis to fetch and store complex objects (not only strings), worry not, this is not breaking Redis API, I have a JSON wrapper around it, basically get -> parse & set -> stringify.


    redis = new Redis(process.env.REDIS_URL)
    BuffedRedis = assoc(
      async key => {
        return JSON.parse(await redis.get(key))
        (key, value, ...args) => {
          if (args.length) {
            return redis.set(key, JSON.stringify(value), ...args)
          } else {
            return redis.set(key, JSON.stringify(value))
  req.redis = BuffedRedis

Make sure to read the next post about some nice dynamic og meta tags on a client rendered app with puppeteer screenshot and a few more tricks.